Video Transcript for: Mitered Corner for Quilt Binding
Coming up close to the point, I’ll get within a couple inches.  I usually like to work with my needle down on my sewing machine and I’ll lift the binding up and eyeball a quarter-inch in from this way and this way. Instead of having it come like this I’m going to have it come straight out perpendicular to the edge.  As I go to sew I’m going to stop before I get to where the pin is.  If I take one more stitch i’ll be on the pin so it’s important to stop right there.  Now I’m at an angle and I can see the point right under there.
Next i’m going to stitch to that staying on the right hand side of it to the corner.  Then I simply sew off to my startie-stoppie. That pin gives me the point that tells me where to turn, but in this case I’ve turned a little bit too soon, so the way I fix that is to unfold and keep pulling back as far as it wants to go.  Now that it’s in line with this image we’ll hold it down at that corner and hold everything in place.  Now I’m ready to go on to the next one so that’s how I’d mark the point is I’m getting close to it!